Flag Football Assistant

YMCA of Southern Nevada

We are looking for volunteers to assist our flag football league. The YMCA NFL Flag Football League allows participants 8-14 years old a safe and fun environment to explore their interest in football. Participants will engage in recreational games, skills, and activities that promote healthy living and social interaction. Practices and games are at the Heinrich YMCA on Saturdays from 8:30am to 11:30am. The Flag Football League consists of a Fall and Spring season annually. The season is from March 1st to April 26th. In addition to any other responsibilities, YMCA volunteers are expected to support youth protection in the following ways: • Adhere to policies related to boundaries with children. • Attend required abuse risk management training. • Adhere to procedures related to managing high-risk activities and supervising children. • Report suspicious or inappropriate behaviors and policy violations. • Follow mandated abuse reporting requirements • Ensure unused rooms and closets remain locked; routinely monitor high-risk locations (locker-rooms and bathrooms), etc.

4141 Meadows Ln Las Vegas, NV 89107 United States

Anias Brewington abrewington@lasvegasymca.org

Heinrich YMCA

Flag Football Assistant